
ImmFree 4
ImmFree 4
Love 3
Love 3
Love 2
Love 2
Peace 4
Peace 4

Many Blessings

Project Blue Rei

is a multidimensional access of pure light information.

A quanta

is a known measurement of energy

Quanta Access then

is a conscious merge into the Living information of Immortality!

Our cards are encoded with

Living Light based information.

Geometry is an accurate language.

Some of the geometry on the PBR cards are called cups of life.

The cups of life receive and hold the organic plasma sound oscillations

that are produced  in the PBR Technology 

(see on the about us and additional services pages).

Next the oscillating sound is directed to the Galactic Phasic geometry on the PBR card

  • where it quantifies the light field quotient of the person that is holding the PBR card
  • generates a field array harmonic resonance and stabilizes the pre cordant light presence on a genetic and spirit harmonic level.

PBR Quanta Access Technology scans vibrates and emits

  • Sound Harmonics, Geometric Imagery
  • and 
  • Encoded Organic Plasma

directly to the PBR Quanta Access Cards 24 hours of every day.

The multi wave oscillations

repattern every app. 6 hours

with current Celestial energy patterns emitted naturally from this organic Solar System in union with


(see on the about us and additional services pages).

 Feel what is right for you!

Get your card, and join the next wave of Higher Dimensional Life.

Natural timing and synchronicity is the way of higher dimensional life.

Aligning your energy field with the new timelines of planet Terra and

accelerate manifesting your desires and choices.

Natural alignment of the spirit, mind and body in this way harmonize newly manifesting ideas and possibilities.

Below are the 3 Cards physically available today.

You can as well order just an intense Harmonization for the 6 of the 8 CARD KITS now available.

The Cards all include with the one time purchase of 100 CAD an approximately every 6 hours receiving update life long.

The additional intense Harmonizations are separate clearings and this is the reason for a charge of each single Harmonization of 500 CAD.

Instead of having multiple CARDS there is the idea as well to get one CARD with all information and Geometry on to have space in your pocket and you just purchase and activate single or multiple services as you need them.

This would save you space and multiple shipping costs.


is an additional clearing / harmonizing service

available presently 6 of 8 Kits.

(See the additional services page)

The cards will be sent out in first class mail within 3 business days after placing your order

Each card has the look, feel and size of a credit or debit card  while having nothing to do with these functions and they are valid a lifetime. 

For detailed information click on the cards below.

The unique number encoding on each card is designed and customized to

only you.

The Card you receive becomes active and personalized by you,

as soon as the card is being accepted,

through revealing the number on the back side and then sending:

– a photo from you

– your full name

– the number on the front side of the card

– the number revealed number on the back side of the card

to information@PureOriginHarmonic.com

Then you receive a email address to activate to start then the activation process of the card.

No need to even pay for your card again and you just keep in your wallet or pocket. 

At night when you sleep, you can place under your pillow

for 24/7 all hours protection and immortal harmonization. 

If you experience any issues, like to share any experiences in giving a testimonial or wish to talk with us about anything related to our service,

please use the contact form below.

PLEASE enter here before the 3 physical cards available

the available 6 Harmonizations if possible

with the pictures of the related worksheets for 500 CAD each.


Essential life nurturing information emanates constantly from the PBR-Technologie through this card.

With all PBR-Cards you can achieve

  • greater wellbeing of your whole being
  • an alignment of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intuitive, cosmic, star bodies with your spirit


you can additional achieve for yourself and your house

  • an energetic clearing of inherent toxicity 
  • an energetic clearing of emf wireless RF radiation smog.

Each card is the look, feel and size of a credit or debit card that can last a lifetime. The encoding is designed and custom to you and what you need in each moment


Essential life nurturing information emanates constantly from the PBR-Technologie through this card.

Have you had enough of the negative agenda affecting your daily life plans?

Feel like something is always working against you?

With all PBR-Cards you can achieve

  • greater wellbeing of your whole being
  • an alignment of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intuitive, cosmic, star bodies with your spirit


you can release your spirit from:

  • Unseen burdens or dark forces influencing you.


  • Negative projections and negative thoughts from yourself can be lessened through this card.
  • Negative projections and negative thoughts from others can be lessened through this card.

Some have enjoyed greater clarity, success and peacefulness.

Each card is the look, feel and size of a credit or debit card that can last a lifetime. The encoding is designed and custom to you and what you need in each moment

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Essential life nurturing information emanates constantly from the PBR-Technologie through this card.

With all PBR-Cards you can achieve

  • greater wellbeing of your whole being
  • an alignment of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intuitive, cosmic, star bodies with your spirit


  • gives the possibility to clear past life karma,
  • liberate from reincarnation cycles and mend past decisions that seem to merge into daily life.

Not as easy as we like it to be?

It is possible with the Living information of what is beyond reincarnation.

Past life is also the past in this life too.

Each card is the look, feel and size of a credit or debit card that can last a lifetime. The encoding is designed and custom to you and what you need in each moment

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For more information, please fill out the contact form below and

press the submit button.

If you are interested in becoming a distributor of this wonderful technology, we would also like to hear from you.

Alternatively you can email



Many blessings of Peace,…

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