About Us

Many blessings

The PureOriginHarmonic.com website

was launched in November 2021

as an idea to offer revolutionary advanced multidimensional technology to beings on this planet,

a technology developed by:


who have the idea:

of creating centers (like illustrated below) to assist beings.

(This video you find on the bottom of the website above


The vision is:

All beings living free on this planet

without any external


Imagine tomorrow being today for all that is available in the universes.

With being an official distributer of the

Quanta access services and

Quanta access cards,

we offer the possibility of

specific, intense, detailed Harmonizations

on special Topics.

With all services which is provided

you can achieve

– personal improvement

– freeing yourself

– gaining more consciousness

With all PBR-Cards

you can achieve

– greater wellbeing of your whole being

– an alignment of the physical, mental, emotional,

  spiritual, intuitive, cosmic, star bodies,…

  with your spirit

We would be happy to assist you in uprising,…

many blessings of peace,…

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